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    Jean Haines Atmospheric Watercolours

    Accomplished artist Jean Haines shares her passion for watercolours in this wonderful book packed full of colour and life. It will alter the way you think about watercolours and painting forever providing a unique and refreshing guide that you will return to again and again for ideas and inspiration.

    Known for her exciting techniques and love of colour Jean takes you on a magical painting journey on which she provides expert guidance and easy-to-follow exercises that will make you want to pick up a brush and get painting straight away.

    Jean believes that all of us have the ability to be a great artist and whether you are completely new to painting lack confidence in your abilities simply dream of creating beautiful works of art or just want to loosen up your painting style this book will provide everything you need to fulfil that dream.

    Author: Jean Haines
    SKU: 9781844486748
    Availability: 1 in stock
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