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    Picture of School Buff Stoneware 12.5kg

    School Buff Stoneware 12.5kg

    School Buff Stoneware in a 12.5kg package is a versatile clay suitable for pottery and ceramics projects. It offers a warm buff color that enhances the visual appeal of finished creations. With its medium texture and excellent plasticity, School Buff Stoneware is easy to shape and mold. Once fired in a kiln, it results in a durable and sturdy finished product, making it an ideal choice for both beginner and experienced potters.

  • School Buff Stoneware: Versatile clay for pottery and ceramics projects.
  • Warm buff color: Enhances visual appeal of finished creations.
  • Medium texture, excellent plasticity: Easy to shape and mold.
  • Kiln firing: Results in durable and sturdy finished product.
  • Temperature range 1200° - 1300° C

  • Please note that the purchase of two or more units of the School Buff Stoneware in a 12.5kg bag may incur an additional delivery fee due to its weight.
    Picture of TerraCotta Clay 12.5kg

    TerraCotta Clay 12.5kg

    TerraCotta Clay in a 12.5kg package is a popular choice for pottery and sculpture projects. It offers a distinctive reddish-brown color, adding warmth and character to finished creations. With its excellent plasticity and workability, TerraCotta Clay is easy to shape, mold, and carve. Once fired at the appropriate temperature range, it results in a durable and rustic-looking finished product, making it a preferred clay for artists and craftsmen alike.

  • TerraCotta Clay: Ideal for pottery and sculpture projects, available in a 12.5kg package.
  • Distinctive reddish-brown color: Adds warmth and character to finished creations.
  • Excellent plasticity and workability: Easy to shape, mold, and carve for desired designs.
  • Kiln firing: Results in durable and sturdy finished product.
  • Temperature range 1200° - 1300° C

  • Please note that the purchase of two or more units of the School Buff Stoneware in a 12.5kg bag may incur an additional delivery fee due to its weight.
    Picture of Potters Pick Stone Unfibred Air Drying & Firing Clay 5kg

    Potters Pick Stone Unfibred Air Drying & Firing Clay 5kg

    PP CC43067
    Potters Pick Stone Unfibred Air Drying & Firing Clay is a type of clay that is designed for use by potters and artists. Its stone colour makes it a popular choice for creating realistic sculptures or figurines.

  • Unfibered Clay
  • 5kg bag
  • Air Hardening & Firing
  • Stone Colour

  • Please note that the purchase of two or more units of the Potters Pick Stone Unfibred Air Drying & Firing Clay in a 5kg bag may incur an additional delivery fee due to its weight.