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    Pro-Study 1 Year Licence Range

    With Pro-Study all your research is in one place! Pro-Study helps students take the stress out of collecting, organising and referencing research for their assignments.

    Pro-Study is an online complete research solution, which has been designed to simplify the assignment research process, by allowing the student to effortlessly collect and organise research material into a centralised database. Pro-Study allows a student to read the essay question or assignment brief, identify the key discussion points, before conducting relevant research on each point in isolation.

    Pro-Study can be used for extracting, organising, and storing research material. Each piece of information captured in the programme's dedicated centralised database, will automatically produce a direct hyperlink back to the original source, as well as automatically capturing the reference information. Using AI, Pro-Study’s Auto Tiles tool can analyse the webpage or document for the student and pick out the key points. Pro-Study’s searchable database allows the student to effectively re-visit and re-use important information from previous projects for new assignments.

  • Pro-Study uses powerful integration with Microsoft Word and PDF to produce a full report containing all of the research and references. Students also have the option to export to Excel for further content analysis.
  • Pro-Study integrates with mind mapping software, allowing a seamless transition from the research phase to the planning process.
  • Pro-Study users can collaborate with each other by sharing projects. Uploading projects to the major cloud platforms allows colleagues and peers to also have access to the research.
  • Pro-Study’s powerful OCR Feature can capture information from multiple sources including websites, journals, books and PDF’s.
  • Pro-Study is connected to a database of over 9500+ referencing styles and over 27 million books
  • Pro-Study’s bookmark feature helps students keep their open internet tabs down to a minimum.
  • Pro-Study and the Pro-Study web extension will help the student to search through research material to identify key information. The student can then extract and organise this information

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