Explore your child’s creativity using the Jodie kit where free cells, gears and motors are used to make 36 different robots! Each can be driven using sensory motors or a remote control! This kit contains 266 pieces!
Improve your child’s motor and cognitive skills through learning, identifying and attaching the pieces together. This kit is Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics focused! Childrens’ motor and cognitive skill will be put to the test while building their robots.
This kit is Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics focused to help improve your child’s motor and cognitive skills while developing your child’s creativity and imagination. This kit consists of 164 pieces to build robots using cell blocks, gear, axels, motors, sensors and electric cells! 4 different robots could be constructed! They can free-build using these 164 pieces as well!
Learn to build a city through this kit! Children will learn to control DC motors and sensors through app! This kit contains 300 pieces where 8 different models could be built! Build your city today! This kit consist of coding/programming features where children will learn how to code the builds through a smartphone application!
Learn how to code with RoKids+, connect to DC Motors and Sensors through your Tablet or Smartphone. This set allows you to build 8 different models:
It’s the Tori Mega Truck passing through! Introducing Robotori Mega Truck!
This kit is Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematical focused to help improve motor and cognitive skills of your child. Highly suitable for children aging from 6 years and above! This kit has 166 pieces where 4 models could be built inclusive with building instructions
Tori Mega Truck allows you can make 4 types of trucks:
What do you need when you’re building skyscrapers? Why, Trucks of course! Could you be the one who successfully build all 3 models of truck using this kit? Put yourself to the test!
Children will understand mechanisms and principles as they use gears and axels. This kit contains 111 pieces for your child to explore and experience building a dump truck, fork crane and bulldozer! This kit is Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic focused! Childrens’ motor and cognitive skill will be put to the test when they learn, identify and attach the pieces together.
All My Animals is the animal series which can move.
Assemble the Freecells and press the switch button to move the DC motor that will move the Tori Puppy. When the DC motor moves, the Tori Puppy moves freely.
Build a robot using sensors, gears, and motors while using a scratch program to code/program! Children will connect the robot and a computer to operate the robot, this product is designed to help understand coding/programming easily and entertainingly.
Children will learn basic concepts of robot engineering through coding/programming! Advanced coding/programming education is possible. This kit contains 215 pieces where 5 different models could be built! Get your today! We recommend this kit for children aging from age 7 and above!